For spouses

Welcome to Denmark!

Dear Spouse,

We welcome you and your family to Denmark and we hope you will enjoy your stay in our little country in the north of Europe.

Like all other nations we Danes have our own characteristics and our own culture. Even if we are very much a part of Europe, we are also very “Danish”. Our concept of cosiness “hygge” has become quite an institution, we eat black bread and we have our own very special Danish sense of humour and self-irony along with our strong thoughts about our democracy with the right to free speech and press – just to mention a few.

Spousecare provides tailor-made integration solutions based on each individual spouse or partner’s specific needs and wants. Our job is to ensure spouses get the most out of their stay in Denmark and make their experience a positive one. Through one-on-one coaching, group workshops and events, Spousecare provides spouses and partners with:
– individual support and orientation while transitioning to Denmark
– a deep understanding of Danish culture and society
– access to a social network
– personalized career counselling



Check with your partners hiring company if they already have an agreement with us and we can get in touch even before your arrival to Denmark.

 We look forward to meeting you and to help you settle easily into Denmark and getting to know the Danish way of life 

Please follow our blog: 

 All the best wishes



 Contact us for more information!


Spousecare ApS

Tlf: +45 22 90 76 82
CVR: 34689873

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