Our mission

Executive spousecare

The most important service that Spousecare provides our clients with is helping to ensure that the accompanying spouses get a social network and an everyday life in Denmark where they thrive and get  their personal wishes and needs for development fulfilled.

In this way we help the company in holding on to the foreign staff members in their new job positions.

All spouses receive an introduction to the Danish culture and get a personal guide and contact person to the local Danish community.

Spousecare is ready from the very beginning to welcome the spouse to Denmark and the communication can begin even before the spouse arrives to the country.

It’s a win-win situation

It is expensive to recruit and hire foreign resources and even more expensive if the chosen candidates choose to leave Denmark before the agreed period ends. By choosing Spousecare as your business partner your company gets a partner that helps you holding on to your candidates in the expected period.
It’s worth it!

In the recruiting stage your company can inform the interested candidates that you have a serious business partner who works exclusively on behalf on their spouse.

This can be of vital importance for the candidates choice!


Spousecare ApS

E-mail: ap@spousecare.dk
Tlf: +45 22 90 76 82
CVR: 34689873

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